Looking for an objective list of the top 10 stylish cybersecurity instruments in 2021? You have plant it! We asked thousands of cyber security professionals to rank their favourite cyber security courses. See the results below!
About the Top 10 Online CyberSecurity Certifications – Introduction
We asked ISCN’s community of over information security professionals on LinkedIn over 20 questions about 50 of the leading cybersecurity instruments. In this blog post, we've collected their answers to give a definitive list of the top 10 stylish cybersecurity instruments in 2021.
The Top 10 Best CyberSecurity Certifications in 2021 are…
10. Penetration Testing Courses by SANS
Starting in rear order, just making it into the top 10 this time, is the Penetration Testing Courses offered by SANS. These courses, in particular, ranked well for helping actors increase their pay grade. Indeed, although not paid as much as other positions, those in possession of this instrument still frequently earn in 6 numbers.
9. University Degree
In 9th place is a University Degree specific to cyber security. Although utmost cyber security professionals didn't rate this option largely in terms of‘ real world’ experience, they do still recommend it for those considering operation positions. This, maybe, is accessible, as having a formal degree instrument from a honored university clearly looks good on a capsule.
However, as with most university degrees, the university itself matters. Not sure which university to choose? This 2019 guide provides a list of the top universities offering computer science degrees.
8. CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional)
The 8th stylish cybersecurity instrument is the CCSP ( Pukka Cloud Security Professional) instrument program. Despite dropping a couple places from last time, it remains popular among check repliers with 15 of them stating their intention to complete the course within the coming 12-24 months.
CCSP from ISC2 is getting more popular with the spread of pall computing systems. Generators of the course designed it for information security professionals with a minimum of 5 times work experience, including a minimum of 1 time of pall security experience and 3 times of information security experience.
This instrument program is suitable for medial-to advanced- position professionals involved with information security, IT armature, governance, web and pall security engineering, threat and compliance, as well as IT auditing. CCSP credential holders are competent in the 6 CCSP disciplines mentioned below
● Architectural Concepts and Design Requirements
● Cloud Data Security
● Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security
● Cloud Application Security
● Operations
● Legal and Compliance
According to PayScale, the average annual salary for CCSP certificate holders is currently $119,000.
7. CompTIA Security+
In 7th place, this time is the CompTIA Security Course. Although ranking lower than in last time’s check, it remains in the top 10 with 26 of check repliers praising its applicability to real- world scripts.
For people interested in making their first way toward a career in cyber security, the CompaTIA Security Certification is a great launch. It's one of the stylish introductory qualifications and a great way into the cybersecurity sector. By gaining the Security instrument, you'll be good to deal with a wide range of considerations that need to be taken into account to apply successful security strategies.
6. CCISO – Certified Chief Information Security Officer – from EC-Council
In 6th place, and with its debut in the top 10 this time, we've the CCISO Instrument from EC-Council. For those looking to get promoted to directorial positions, this could be the stylish cybersecurity instrument for you. 33 of cyber security professionals stated that this course is one of the stylish for equipping actors to succeed in directorial positions. Todd Fitzgerald, below, answers a many questions about the instrument and its applicability to operation within cyber security, among other factors.
CCISO’s directorial rates are no doubt affiliated to its assiduity- leading CISO training program. It recognizes the variety and depth of real- world experience that's needed to succeed at Administrative position in information security. Although a many times agone, this course was indeed listed above the CISSP online course as one of the instruments held by top earners in Certification Magazine’s‘Salary Survey 2015 An All-New Salary Survey 75’.
5. Cisco – CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)
5th on our list is the Cisco CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) certification. 26% of cyber professionals surveyed stated that this course provides you with skills which are directly transferable to the real world. It also ranked highly in terms of courses which are in-demand by employers, with 23% of respondents providing this course in their answer.
4. EC-Council – Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
In 4th place is EC-Council’s Pukka Ethical Hacker (CEH) qualification. This course constantly ranked near the top of the check’s repliers. For illustration, in response to the question about which qualification is most in- demand by employers, 25 of all repliers gave CEH as an answer.
And it looks like the fashionability of CEH is set to increase with 21 (in alternate place) of repliers stating that they intend to take this course within the coming 12-24 months, as shown in Figure1.1. below.
The CEH online training course covers 18 of the most over to date and important security disciplines you'll need to consider as an ethical hacker. The course will help you to prepare your association against attacks and ameliorate information security programs through relating implicit sins. Taking you through 18 modules, it exhaustively covers over 270 attack styles and technologies which cyber culprits and hackers generally use.
3. ISACA – CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)
The third stylish cybersecurity instrument ( according to the check results) is the ISACA – CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) course. This course ranked high among check repliers in terms of the operation rates which accompany it. For illustration, the course came in alternate place (after CISSP) in terms of equipping someone to succeed in a operation position (as can be seen in Figure1.2, below).
But operation chops aren't the only benefit of the CISM instrument. According to a study by Forbes regarding the instruments which lead to the loftiest hires, this course came in 3rd place with an emotional periodic payment of$ in 2020.
The course is designed for directors and has a strong focus on strategy and programs. As similar, this bone isn't one of the stylish cybersecurity instruments for newcomers. You bear a minimum of 5 times experience in Information Security before you're permitted to take the course. Plus this can not be 5 times back in high academy – the experience must be applicable from within the last 10 times.
2. Offensive Security – PWK OSCP
In 2nd place is the Offensive Security – PWK OSCP Course. As with the CISSP online course, this course constantly ranked high in the check results. In particular, cyber security professionals believe it to have strong applicability to the‘ real world’, as shown below in Figure1.3.
And this was n’t the only advantage refocused out by check repliers. As seen preliminarily in Figure1.1., cybersecurity professionals also ranked the qualification in alternate place (behind CISSP) in terms of how‘in- demand’it's by employers.
1. CISSP – Certified Information Systems Security Professional – from ISC2
Top of our list in 2021 is the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) course. In our check, utmost cyber security professionals ranked CISSP as the stylish all- round cyber security course. In particular, repliers rated it for its applicability to the real world, the earning eventuality it provides, as well as how in- demand it's by employers.
For example, for the question ‘Which certification(s) would you say are most in demand by employers?’ a whopping 72% of them gave the CISSP certification as their answer (as can be seen in Figure 1.4 below).
As can be seen, the CISSP instrument is in- demand. This fashionability in plant is imaged by a corresponding high payment. Figure1.2., below, shows how 77 of information security professionals regard CISSP as the loftiest paid security instrument. This is advanced support by a study by Forbes in 2020 which likewise plant that those enjoying this instrument enjoy one of the loftiest hires within IT.
Likewise, CISSP was suggested the stylish cybersecurity instrument in terms of its applicability to the real world, as shown in Figure1.5 below.