It takes 10,000 hours of practice for one to come specialized in a discipline. That translates to several times of undergraduate and graduate study. This is also true if you want to come a certified F5 201 Specialist.
Consider all the modules, that can be provisioned in a single BIG-IP device. You have LTM, ASM, APM, DNS (GTM), and so on. You also have several platforms to choose from BIG-IP, VIPRION, Cloud, etc. Taking into account, all the different protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL) and other network biases (Routers, Switches, Sphere Regulators, Waiters) an F5 device can integrate with.
The truth is, that a largely talented network mastermind can not replace the value of an F5 subject matter expert (SME) when you need one.
How to become an F5 201 Specialist?
You may be wondering how to come an F5 201 Specialist? Although is a long track, if you're married, you can do it!. First of all, you need to have a good understating of :
- Unix/ Linux: F5 bias is grounded on the CentOS Linux distribution.
- Networking: If you have a good Networking base, you're ahead of the game. However, better, If you're CCNA certified.
- Troubleshooting: Many times troubleshooting Linux and Networking bias will clearly help.
- Security: This is indeed most important if you're going to work with security products like ASM, but it's always good to have a solid security base.
- Programming: This isn't a needful per se, I know a lot of F5 masterminds who don’t really do programming.
Still, if you want to completely use the F5 201 capabilities using iRules ( grounded on TCL programming language) also programming becomes essential.
Still, also I recommend getting started with the F5 free courses at F5 university and installing an F5 Virtual Machine, available as a Trial to start doing some labs If you have the chops mentioned.
After you have gotten some experience using F5 Products, also the coming step is to start preparing the instruments to validate your knowledge.
F5 201 Networks Certification Program Overview
The F5 201 Networks Certification program offers IT credentials that help prepare folks to develop, deploy and support the company’s products and solutions. The three certifications in F5’s program include the following items:
To get started, F5 201 certification candidates need to register on the F5 Credential Management System (F5-CMS). Once registered, a study guide for the desired certification is made accessible through the company’s system, although study guides are also available outside of the F5-CMS, as you’ll learn later in this article. All F5 certification exams cost $135 and are available through Pearson VUE.
F5 201 Certified BIG-IP Administrator (F5-CA)
An F5 201 Certified BIG-IP Administrator, can manage application delivery networks (ADNs) and perform routine management and troubleshooting of F5 Traffic Management Operating System (TMOS) devices. Two exams are required to achieve the F5-CA certification:
- Exam 101 – Application Delivery Fundamentals
- Exam 201 – TMOS Administration
These exams must be taken in numerical order because the TMOS Administration exam takes the Application Delivery exam as a prerequisite. Before sitting for an exam, F5 suggests that candidates acquire a firm understanding of networking concepts and protocols, traffic management concepts and TMOS components, and how to work with virtual servers.
F5 201 Certified Technology Specialist (F5-CTS)
The F5 Certified Technology Specialist credentials come in four flavors, fastening on business operation, DNS, security, and access programs. The first LTM examinations ( Test 301a) for DNS, ASM, and APM Specialist credentials each take Test 201 – TMOS Administration as a prerequisite. The alternate LTM test – LTM Specialist Maintain and Troubleshoot ( Test 301b) – requires completion of the LTM Specialist Mastermind, Setup, and Emplace Test 301a beforehand. To earn the F5-CTS, campaigners must pass one or two examinations depending on the thing track named.
Local Traffic Manager (LTM): The LTM credential recognizes professionals who work with advanced F5 products, from design through perpetration and conservation, and understand, how to integrate LTM into being networks. Two examinations are needed:
- Test 301a – BIG-IP LTM Specialist Mastermind, Setup, and Emplace
- Test 301b – BIG-IP LTM Specialist Maintain and Troubleshoot
Domain Name Server (DNS): The DNS credential aims at operation delivery engineers and operation delivery masterminds who work with BIG-IP DNS. There's only one test needed to earn this credential
Test 302 – BIG-IP DNS Specialist
Application Security Manager (ASM): An ASM designs, tools and maintains ASM to secure operation delivery networks. Campaigners should understand interactivity between ASM and web operations, troubleshooting ways, and integration systems. Only one test is needed
- Test 303 – BIG-IP ASM Specialist
Access Policy Manager (APM): A professional with the APM credential handles operation delivery network operations and technologies that run on the F5 TMOS operating system.
Campaigners should understand remote access, authentication and authorization, and how to install, maintain and upgrade APM. To get the APM credential, campaigners must pass one test
- Test 304 – BIG-IP APM Specialist
Anyone with the drive (and time) to finish all four CTS examinations should seriously consider moving on to the zenith F5 instrument the F5 result expert.
F5 Certified Solution Expert (F5-CSE)
The F5 Certified Solution Expert works with guests to identify security and specialized business conditions and also translates those conditions into results. Campaigners must have result design experience that encompasses all applicable aspects of LTM, DNS, ASM, and APM, as well as other F5 technologies similar as BIG- Command modules, MobileSafe, and IP Intelligence (IPI), and WebSafe.
To qualify as an F5-CSE, campaigners must earn all of the preliminarily mentioned F5 instruments, including the F5-CA, F5-CTS LTM, F5-CTS BIG-IP DNS, F5-CTS ASM, and F5-CTS APM.
Once these prerequisites are completed, campaigners need to pass one further test
- Test 401 – F5 Certified Security Solution Expert